
Asociatia de Terapie Familiala si de Cuplu Timisoara

Asociatia de Terapie Familiala si de Cuplu Timisoara/ Family and Couple Therapy Association Timisoara or ATFCT as the partners and public know us, is a non-governmental organization/NGO created in 2010 by three psychologists and a philosopher who believed that change was needed in the way society and professionals support people in crisis and people from vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. We are based in Timișoara, Romania, but we work and are active in projects and initiatives at regional, national and European level. ATCT is certified as a training institute by the Romanian authority (CPR – Colegiul Psihologilor din Romania), is also recognized as a training institute in Europe wide (EFTA – European Family Therapy Association). Our staff includes also psychologists with a long experience in clinical psychology, psychotherapy and complementary therapy. The Association is involved, through its specialists, in constant collaboration with two of the biggest universities in the areas, West University and Tibiscus University, Faculty of Psychology, where the staff of the Association is also employed. Also, a strong collaboration is developed between ATFCT and a local center for youth at risk.

In the past 13 years the ATFCT team has been trained and offered supervision to numerous professionals working in the field of psychology, pedagogy, medicine, social assistance, education, including students of studying these areas. Experts of the ATFCT organise training sessions, workshops, conferences, and seminars on various topics of interest, both for professionals (counsellors, psychologists, etc.) and students, as well as the general public. The number of trainees involved in the training process (a 4-year process) is at the moment more than 200.

The specialised interventions carried out by the expert psychologists, psychotherapists, pedagogues, and trainers are tailor-made for domains such as individual, family, and couple difficulties, as well as systemic interventions in conflict situations and specific crisis situations: offenders, marginalized persons, vulnerable persons, youth at risk, students, adults and youth coming from the disadvantaged areas and we have developed psychotherapeutic programs for individuals and groups.

ATFCT experts developed different programs and tools for vulnerable categories: women in prison (Counselling program for couple and family for imprisoned women), youth in prison (Study of best practices in EU related with the youth imprisoned, Training curriculum for staff working in prison) youth at risk, disadvantaged adults (Sexual counselling for persons in the risk situation), students and teachers (Systemic thinking in school curricula). At the same time, ATFCT organized courses for adults and youth at risk in order to develop their personal, relational and social skills. Moreover, ATFCT experts delivered workshops for staff working in the field of students and youth at risk development and organized International Conferences, involving participants from different EU countries (SICAP conferences). ATFCT is experienced also in developing and implementing EU projects.
