

IDEC is a training, consulting and high technology company located in Piraeus, Greece. Among other activities (management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation and development of ICT solutions for both private and public sector) IDEC has an accredited lifelong learning centre and organises in-service training courses for companies and teachers/ trainers, study visits and informal learning activities for students in initial education and training and provides training courses and work placements for students in vocational training and people in labour market.

Ethics, Values, Sustainability, Innovation are some of the topics that we provide training on through our training centre e.g. “Values Education”, “Education for sustainable development”, “Innovative Teaching Methods” etc. In the field of Lifelong learning, IDEC has experience in European policies regarding LLL and in particular EQF, ECVET, Europass, EQAVET, validation of non-formal and informal learning and in national reforms of education and training systems.

IDEC has more than 30 years of experience from implementing International projects in relation to VET, entrepreneurship, micro enterprises’ sustainable development & empowerment as well as corporate social responsibility.
